Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Healing Powers of Forgiveness

My belief is forgiveness and its ability to heal the wronged person’s bitterness and anger against the person who wronged them.

An example of forgiveness I have seen today is in the life of my friend. She is being discriminated against socially, physically, educationally, and emotionally because of her disability.

Socially, my friend often makes bad first impressions on other people. They think she is rude because she seems to ignore them. Sometimes people think that she is dumb or stupid. Because of this, people are not willing to try to become friends.

Physically, people frequently think this girl cannot do simple chores such as watching children, cooking food and even following the directions. They assume that she could not drive a car or operating machines.

Educationally, people often assume she cannot to learn or be taught. They believe that she is not capable of more than a fifth grade education. People have asked her parents questions such as can their daughter read.

Finally emotionally, my friend feels as if others look down on her. She often feels frustrated and angry with these people who have wrong assumptions about her. She feels these people are slowly destroying her in mentality and emotionality.

Now after hearing the story, this friend happens to be me. I want to change the negatives into positives in my life. As God has forgiven me, I have learned to forgive these people who hurt me deeply and do not hold their behavior against them. I use the healing powers of forgiveness to heal my grudges and bitterness. Because of that I feel much better and willing to help to inform and educate people.

That why I believe in forgiveness.

(Word count: 299)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

                                          A Bit of History about Deaf World
        Inside the Deaf world, a Deaf person feels at home when the one shared language is American Sign Language (ASL). Gallaudet University, a unique liberal arts college, in Washington D.C., is such a place. Gallaudet is a world famous university for the deaf and hard of hearing. A historical event called “Deaf President Now (DPN) Movement” in the 1990’s occurred at this university. During this time, many people for the first time, heard about the Deaf community and their culture. Many Deaf and hard of hearing people want to keep their Deaf culture alive, therefore preserving Gallaudet University is essential.

(100 words)