Friday, December 7, 2012

                                                 What did you learn in AMST 100?

            In AMST 100, I learned many things. The many papers I write helped me think through what I thought and believe on many topics. One assignment that stands out to me was storytelling. I discovered the value of storytelling through my dad and my dad from his father. AMST 100 helped me understand the process of storytelling better. I want to continue this value of family storytelling through the next generations. That is why I wanted to share my family’s flaming moment as a part of storytelling with the class to show how my family history is remembered through storytelling.

 (Word Count: 100)

Friday, November 16, 2012

                                                A Memory Of A Cold Day In January

            On my oldest sister’s wedding day, one of the groomsmen begins to share one of his firefighter stories with the audience. As he was sharing his story, the story brought me back to an incident when I was young girl. This particular day happened in January 2001, a day my family never forgets.

           Driving from home having a cast removed, I remembered my mom got a call from my dad telling her something happened to the house. My dad told my mom that my oldest sister set fire in the kitchen by accident. My sister was trying to create wax candles and left the wax too long on the stove, a fire broke out! Of course, my parents were a bit upset but thankful that nobody was hurt.

           Walking around the water slogged floor, I could see and smell the damage from the fire. I noticed the fire completely destroyed the kitchen and it spread to the dining room. Fortunately, my parents were able to get the kitchen and other damages fixed. I remembered my mom asked my dad to renovate the kitchen and add wooden floors since my mom wanted them for a long time. My dad granted her wishes with a smile.

            Years later, my sister met and fell in love with a firefighter/emergency medical technician much to my family’s amusement. Back to the groomsman’s story, to my sister’s surprise and horror and the audience’s laughter, he revealed that he was one of firefighters that help save our home that cold January day. My family especially my sister is now able to laugh and remember the fire as a fond memory that my family shares together.

(278 words)

We are able to see the positive comes out of the negative.

Friday, November 2, 2012

                                            Peaceful Haven
             Walking into the inside of Barnes and Noble, I can sense the warm feeling  of relaxation and the delectable smell from the café welcoming me. All ages were walking in and out all day, many go to the café to buy coffee and sit down to read a good book. Countless people walk around to look for an interesting title to read. On one side, families were sitting together reading a book. At the café, many individuals have their  laptops, schoolbooks, newspapers, magazines and books on their tables. People can stay as long as they wish with no trouble from the staff. The bookstore offers a haven for literary lovers who can go there for a quiet space and read in enjoyment. I would recommend this bookstore for people with a love for books. Non-lovers should visit for the bookstore offers more than books such as music and the café.  

(Word count: 150)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Healing Powers of Forgiveness

My belief is forgiveness and its ability to heal the wronged person’s bitterness and anger against the person who wronged them.

An example of forgiveness I have seen today is in the life of my friend. She is being discriminated against socially, physically, educationally, and emotionally because of her disability.

Socially, my friend often makes bad first impressions on other people. They think she is rude because she seems to ignore them. Sometimes people think that she is dumb or stupid. Because of this, people are not willing to try to become friends.

Physically, people frequently think this girl cannot do simple chores such as watching children, cooking food and even following the directions. They assume that she could not drive a car or operating machines.

Educationally, people often assume she cannot to learn or be taught. They believe that she is not capable of more than a fifth grade education. People have asked her parents questions such as can their daughter read.

Finally emotionally, my friend feels as if others look down on her. She often feels frustrated and angry with these people who have wrong assumptions about her. She feels these people are slowly destroying her in mentality and emotionality.

Now after hearing the story, this friend happens to be me. I want to change the negatives into positives in my life. As God has forgiven me, I have learned to forgive these people who hurt me deeply and do not hold their behavior against them. I use the healing powers of forgiveness to heal my grudges and bitterness. Because of that I feel much better and willing to help to inform and educate people.

That why I believe in forgiveness.

(Word count: 299)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

                                          A Bit of History about Deaf World
        Inside the Deaf world, a Deaf person feels at home when the one shared language is American Sign Language (ASL). Gallaudet University, a unique liberal arts college, in Washington D.C., is such a place. Gallaudet is a world famous university for the deaf and hard of hearing. A historical event called “Deaf President Now (DPN) Movement” in the 1990’s occurred at this university. During this time, many people for the first time, heard about the Deaf community and their culture. Many Deaf and hard of hearing people want to keep their Deaf culture alive, therefore preserving Gallaudet University is essential.

(100 words)


Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Adidas Sambas
       At the park, running around the green field and feeling the adrenaline rush through my body, I am looking for the white and black ball. I find it with the opponent. It seems my shoes called sambas begin to run themselves. My sambas kick the ball out of the opponent’s way and set in motion to control the ball to the net.  Then one of my sambas starts to kick the ball toward the goal. At that point… goal!! I love my comfortable sambas which were made by Adidas. I can wear them and play anytime I want.

(98 words)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Purple Cape

     Squealing, a little girl with a purple cape on her back, jumped out of the bed and flew on the pile of fluffy pillows. With her purple cape on, the little girl felt the power to create her own story as a superhero would. Lost in her story, this young girl with the purple cape was not a follower; she created her own style. She was an individual willing to stand alone. Also the purple cape is a symbol for independence. I was that little girl and was quite satisfied with my own style, not needing the approval of others.

(100 words)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Safe Place

    Home has many diverse definitions. However, for numerous people one of the definitions is a safe place. My safe place is Kick Connection (KC ) where I practiced taekwondo. I was born in South Korea where taekwondo originated. When I go to KC, I feel that I can be myself without worrying about the difficulty with communication, school, and work. I am deaf and my involvement at KC has caused many people to become interested in learning American Sign Language (ASL). I am pleased to see people are willing to learn new things and happy to accept who I am.
(100 words)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Introductory Post

Hello! My name is JJ Herzog. I'm a student and a junior at UMBC. My major is American Studies and I welcome you to my blog.